sorry for not posting for about 2days? its all causeeee, ima at gong's houseee.
stayed at his housee for 2day& night. (: her parents are sucha friendly poeple! :D
cautions! this post gonna have many pictures& words. :P
either youread it, or leavee it. anywae, posting are for gong! (:
at atrium. (:

at the toilettt, gong always pull mie go eat snake :p

gong& ie, was slacking at atrium.

lets start with tuesday,
meetup with gong early6 for breakfast& some stuff t do. then dye myehair& gong. we helped each other with it.
soso, we have couple hair colour now. :D
& was lateee for work. ohmy, last day also latee. GONG'S FAULT!! for deleedaylee. ahhas. (:
then had lunch at mac, mye fravorite spicy was ordered. yumyums. then dinner was duckricee with auntie marylin? ie not sure. aftermath went back t packup. & we learn that doing atrium was never an easy task alrights. we laughed& tease people, thinking that it was sucha an easyjob. but its was fucking tiring& havee t face serveral unreasonable people at times. ):
back t topic, packup was til 12 mid-night. everyone was tired! gong& ie ran up& down the lift as we were movin up the stocks t Fox's store. super duper tired& gong ish so kelian hur. sayang* then went 7eleven for a lil bite with wenli& ngsinyee& cabbed t gong's houseee, thank ngsinyee for the ride. :D iloveyou lurhsx, waited there several hours patiently. teehees.
reached gong's housee, pass aunite the bag we've taken for her& she was like paiseh& happy. (: she cook-ed 'burger' for us? thanks auntieee& lazy gong& ie was fast asleep after we've had our nicee bath. til then...
when gong& ie were way enjoying ourself (slacing :/)

we simplyy lovee photo-taking, durh.

when we were moving stocks up. (:

gong& ie, aint we sweeet?

gong ar gong, iloveyou. :D

& its utterly trueee.

gong& ie, reflectionss are also loved.

gong& ie were awake only at 6plus, super tired. sincee long we've had this wonderful sleep. yawns*
planning t go hougangmall, butbut, while waiting for dinner, we fall asleep again. -.- til 9plus, auntiee came in t wake us up& we went out for dinner. uncle gave mie a fright. :x then watched tv along with aunite& samuellim, that idiot brother of gong. (: halfway, ima hungry again, so gong cooked noodles for mie while ie cooked noodles for samuellim. both of them were sweating of hotness. so lousy hur gong. a lil chill& were sweating all over. ima like cleaning away her sweat while she's feeding mie with lovee, how sweeet. awww :DD then went back t gong's room t do our stuff& watched vcd, gong was like.... ahem ahem. ohmytian, what happen t you hur? lols. there's this 'dream'. its was so terrible yet so true, almost had mie trick& aint know whats got over mie but nearly got mad at gong for no reason. sorry ):
wak-ed up kinda early, gong have counselling t go while ie went home awhile& meetup with her again about 4plus? mrted t wingtai t sign the second contract for another atrium at orchard istetan. starting at 7thnov& 2days of pricee tagging job at the warehousee near kovan. gonna b tiring but at least, there's a job. (: gong& ie have many plans going on when we get our pay& ie sweared this aniiversary for mie& gong gonna b sweeeeeet :D blowkisses* alrights, get back t topic again, went plaza sing for a lil walked t see fishess& couple for our necklaceee. after that a lil more walked& mrted back t compass & a lil tiff happen. gong, ie've mention many times. ie dontlike when ima talking t you& there you're answering other girls. ie totally hatee it. you've made your promisee so fulfil it, alrights? thenthen, gong& ie packed meesua& tongfen. our best of bestest food t 7eleven near nanchiauhigh. gong buy the dontknow call what food for mie. thanks so much. headed back t compass, had a lil walked, saw huihui. then headed t fox with 'kind' intentions t look for dave& t kiddyplacace t looked for stuffs& bused t gong's houseeee. (: have mye supper& then gong peiied mie bused home as his worried. then home after accompanying her for bus136. (: iloveyou, gong! currently on phone with gong, she's so cutee, wanna blog but forget what happen. (:
LIANGgongong, you idiot! but til, imissyou like hella! (:
♥ 9:58 AM