gong's room filled with pictures. (:
gong was so surprisingly turn up at myehousee with the kind intention t wake mie up at early6 plus. MIRCALE! but, its causee he didnt sleep yesterday just for this morning. stupid him. but was real happy yea. back t topic, we lie awhile& off t compass for his appointment after our breakfast at banquet, we've meehoon, chickenwings& eggs for that. ate alot hur. but gong was real funny, keep saying about other people's 'big impact' on the chair. -.- KPO of him hors. then when we arrived at the clinic, gong postponed again. so, we bused back t myehousee& gong fall asleep so soundly despite mie waking him up serveral times. while waiting for him t wakeup, went t fry eggs for him. teehees. (: soon, he was awaked& myemum came home. we watched tv& out of sudden, she asked us t mall t buy some stuffs for dinner. aftermath, home for dinner& watched tv again. :x then gong's dad came t fetch us back t his housee. bath, eat& some 'excersie'. :p gong, fun& enjoyable right? lols! :D look at the timee now, just reach 3& ima stil here blogging due t gong's request! ohmy, later stil havee t waked up at 7 for work. )x ohyar, ima currently at.. GONG'S HOUSEEE! ahhas, spending the night with him once again. & this silly lil kid ish beside mie peeping at what ima blogging, so anxious. aiyo..
somtimes, thing neednt be said then can do. self-motivation ish very much needed also. its already pointless if one has t say out then you'll show your actions or determinations. its meaningless. ie didnt mean t hint or say anything. just that, it seriously makes no difference whether things are inside or outside of your room, get it? mayb t you, yes. but t mie, its no difference! at least your effort ie can see, its visable& obvious enough t mie. thanks for everything. (:
that's lovee holding us.

gong& ie at hougangmall.

arrived t look for gong at about 11plus, he was quite tired stil, trying hard t keep his eyes awake t open the door for mie hur. enter his room& ie fall asleep with gong. -.-' all gong's fault lurhsx! 'seducee' mie t sleep. lols! after we had waked up, havee our latee lunch& watched tv. about 6, accompany gong down t play basketball. as usual, sit& watch him chase the ball around. :p then back t his housee, rest awhile, bathed& went hougangmall for desserts. YUMYUMS. :D while we were eating, we were shivering. so cold with the icy dessert& cooling air-con switch on there. gong was likee so sweeeet& caring larhs, he took off his sweater& put it on mie, as he said he rather that his shivering than see mie feeling cold. (: aws, thanks gong! aftermath, walked around& there's these two young ladys, they just cant take their eyes off us yea. keep staring, its aint for free. (: gong wanted t get some snacks t fill his room so we went value shop t get some. on the way home, just outsidee sweet-talk, there goes again, some young 'ahlians' were staring. its like why nowadays young adults lovee staring at others so much when us, the 'innocents' passerby dont even know them? nevermind, its a trandition, maybe.. walked home soon& have our dinner, watched tv& gong accompany mie t busstop, so careless of mie t not realise ie didnt have any coins with mie. so walked t nearest 7eleven store& as you all know, this lil kid of mine likes ice cream, so we went t get one& off t bus stop again. (: soon, home. (:
_ Photos Of Friday. (: _
Bus, BUs& BUS!

cam-whoring always. :D

after gong finished his hair-cut.

our language of loveee..