hasn't been posting for days, due t laziness& busyness.
ohgod, feeling tired over nothing recently, why ish that so? idk.
gong's powerfulness? ha.
a joke t start today's blog (photos aint recent ones)
see. whose this. the top crime offender?

nah.. its mybrother luh. hee. (:
valentine day present. :D

gong, the lil''genius'.

miee, his 'clever' one

gong& ie, the non-typical couple.

the lollipop, lollipop.

Some of gong& mye couple stuff.

I'm here t post! yes, post. been utterly lazy t blog or frienster recently. but ie will still go friendster at times, t replied this young lady who claim t be 'very close' with mygong. nah, not quarreling. (: just those typical comments of paying& owning. shall stop writing about this useless stuff& concentrate on the more important ones.
well, cant really rmb what happen those days before but uaual rountine, with mygong. (: its stil fun& enjoyable! ha. well.. how about starting with today.
went compaspoint with gong after bathing, eating, resting. nothing much for us t walked about there althought we're not there t walk but t look for jobs. bored! then headed t rivervall mall. ya, got my job at bata there& gong's near mie. what a big round we've gone through t look for one thats extrenely near us? hee. :D
then home t put our things& along with shannan'lil brother t have our dinner, down for a lil'soccer. only shannan. -.- then home. (: a good news t share, my keai ish BETTER! ie mean, real better. he can hop& jump like the past. make mie& gong so worried for him the last few days. ):
nothing much t elaborate actually. so nights earthlings.
♥ 10:56 PM
/} edited.
XiaoBuDian, we'll miss you badly ya.
must takaiire of yourself well. hope you enjoyed your new home when you've got them.
his just too cute& adorable. (:

Photos of yesterday.

Had counselling sessions til 4plus, didn't expected t receive homework when ie leave school but. sad t say, ie had one from rupei counsellor. bused t compass for KFC lunch. met up with sinyee'bob at JJ Ark's pet shop, give budian away. cause his sick. ): & we didnt know how t care for it.. sorry budian, no matter we'll still miss you!! then meet sohweewei'ahmei insidee the mrt. went t dodby exchange intending t pay the deposit but it's closed.
So headed t compass for some food. got a postable charger, new earpiece ( All in GREEN! ha.), some food& off t shell t get alcholic drinks. (: lrt t myhouse's area for a sip. called caiyan'boyfriend down. ages since we last chat, met, talked. :D he can lied without a blink of eye, how celever of he. Ha! chatted& sohseewei went ranting, seems abit drunk. :x caiyan'boyfriend went up for shitting as he had endure very long.. hee. then gong& ie went mall for toilet as dontwant go homee in fear mymum wont let mie out again as ie've curfew ya. but, ie always manage t sneak out after 10.
Back t topic, went mall t buy mac, back t drink. gong didnt drink much, but ie did. no idea why.. |: what happen later on, ie've no idea. didnt even know how ie get home, lie on bed all that. waked up awhile at 3plus? gong wasnt asleep yet, forgot asked him what then ie fall asleep again. blur*
Rather, those overdue. (:

Gong & ie during mid-night at his condo.

the night ie rmb, we were gazing at star night at gong's condo'd swimming pool.
its extremely beautiful, cool wind blews gently across us. water smell surroundng.
How romantic ya. just all these are enough t compensate gong's sweat when riding along with mie on his back. at that moment ie sweared, my affections are won by him. truly!
cant rmb when, but sure happiness filled.

last but never the least, gong& mine. our precious.

♥ 12:36 AM