Baby with my KFC cap& searching..

Mie with Baby's shirt. (:

randomly.. iloveyou. (:

Baby& ie. overdues.

HiHi. i'm back for proper posting. has not have any time for all these recently.
working has worn mie out from everything. tired* only 3days& i'm complaining. ha.
has 3days leave. but its also packed with activities. (:
yesterday, celebrate shannan's birthday in advance. had BBQ at baby's condo.
sohseewei'ahmei, sinyee were invited. sorry for the rest ie didnt as its just a small gathering, isnt it?
auntie elin& another auntie were also invited. samuellim, shannan's friends, mybrother were also.
they had their fun while baby& ie enjoyed very much too. baby, mybrother& samuellim went for gym while ie, sohseewei, sinyee were chatting, BBQ-ing? ha. eneded everything at 10plus. home. :D & ya, there's this lil'kid who baby& ie keep playing with. its one of the auntie's kid. sososo adorable! ie keep hugging it. hee.
mummy, shannan& ie cabbed home while baby& mybrother cycled. thats for my day. (:
i'm hereby going t used my lil'time t reply some comments for this young lady.
Hi, ie've been lazy& busy t go t friendster. so ie shall replied all your comments at one go on myblog. (:
starting from the latest ya.
but, ie think there are several things t clarify first.
firstly , we're not scared as there ish simply nothing t scare about. just busy. (:
we've our jobs& stuff t manage, cant possibly expect us t sit in front of our com 24/7?
secondly, if ima a bitch, plk, pbk as you said, then what are you? whore, slut, bitch?
wells, whatever you says doesn't affect mie, so well, ie wont mind or blame you. (:
you're still young overall.
cause deep inside mie& mybaby, including my love ones know, ima not one.
maybe.. in the past, ie act like a bitch but so what eh? that's past time.
thirdly, ie don't fight neither do ie know how t& ie dont play gangsterism.
so.. ima sorry t reject you on sparing.
well, aren't you afraid of police? they come we run, isn't it always like that? lol.
fourthly, lesbian so what?!! dont you know nowadays butch are already part of life?
didn't you have friends that are butch? please respect 'butch' luh, kid.
& we last yea, cant assure its forever but at least till now.. have you ever?
back t replying..
fuckmie? ie think you've t ask mybaby for that. (: yes! ie admit that's what ie told you but hey.
as you know mybaby so long didn't you know that's he has a extremely bad memory? based on his memory at that time, half or more of the money lent from you goes t shayne eh. so ima not bullshitting with you hur.
& we never team up against you, as its like for what? we aren't good with shayne anymore. so that's not possible t happen. & you're smart t know ima nanchiau's student, but ima NOT anymore.. ie leave there. asking mie t watch out for what? you? ie didn't see you before, didn't know how you look like so.. okay, since you says that shayne cant witness then forget about her. you mention alot of people knows right? who? who can witness for that? cant ie speak up for mybaby or even my rights? freedom of speech! NO, ie never says ima his stead very big but at least, ie could speak up in his position on certain stuff. whats 'xmm' ? please do type in full, certain short forms ie dont understand.. cause they are the ones who are involved so if id don't hear it from them then who? dont you want their answer. so ima hereby telling you what their answer's are. o.o
ima not someone who follows their tail for your information, just that ie fully believe mybaby. (:
ie never hide behind the com. but in front. okay, if you want come out talk about this ima fine with it. time, place? ie dont fight neither do ie know how, so ie cant spar with you, sorry. its not whether ima scare or not. is ie don't know how. really never team up with shayne against you, if you think so, we cant help it. but ie think I've a lil misunderstanding here, that ish, ima referring you never lent the money t mybaby when he lied about her father, not the other times, the other times ie know have, so maybe you would want discuss the amount out someday? yes, but ie did talk nicely t you tooie, ie didn't crap or anything? ish you started vulgarities first, young lady. mybaby didn't lie alright.
if you wan come out talk it will b better, maybe you could get those people that can witness along with you, then I'll asked mybaby& shayne along. we could sit down& talk? will it b better but of course no much outsiders cause we aren't gonna fight. just going t figure out the amount& if both side agrees on it, we'll pay& you'll get back your money. cause ie know mybaby did lent some from you but it not $800 this huge amount. dont anyhow name a amount out as you like.