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rely on me.
party tonight.

first blog2008
second blog 2008-2010

my days, not yours.

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

things baby gave. ie always loved winnie. Hah!

Blissfully. Poor young lady.

the envious couple people desire t.

Shannan'lilbrother& ie.

flections of mie& baby! (: Muacksx.

Baby, Mie& Shannan'lilbrother.

Photo's at KFC!

Our Super-duper good manager NANNAN! Lolsx ~

baby& ie. we're always working together. :D

flections of mie& baby. (:

well, there's mypicture for the day& overdue ones. long time, ie've neglected myblog& etc.
has been busy working. didnt even had enough time for bed man. faint*
okay, went t AMKhub for movie, watched '17 again' rate it 5star okay. its damn nice, touching tooie. alright, ie know ima abit out but at least ie watched it okay. Hah. (: before that, went arcade, pet lovers center. as ie love pets& going pet shop ish also in it. then bought food& baby bought mie a winnie's ezink sticker. NICEEE! after that, went for moviee& baby get 2winnie handphone displays for mie, utterly cutee can. baby also promised t collect full for mie. there's 8 all together. $2 each. LOLS. then bused back. well, we took the wrong bus& we went all the way t toapayoh. -.-' so, bused back all the way t sk. long journey. headach! ): finally homee. (:

11:38 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy 9th Month, Prince!

today marks the 9th month of our loved. & ie believe its still early stage of it.
iloveyou, sweetheart. muacks.
Ha, ie'll stay with you, b by your side, NEVER leave you. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
its my promise, babyboy! i sweared yea.
ie'll hold your small hand, walked all ups& downs.

ie want hold you til ie die. wanna fulfill every wish you makes.
b your best loved ever, longest girl. (ie've already did :D)
words cant express my love t you. here's a song dedicated to you, beloved.
ILOVEYOU! Kiss Kiss*

11:38 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Special Post..
Just for my dearest lil'boy, baby, iloveyou.
ie really do love you a lot. I've no idea why either..
just have this urge t tell you how much ie do love you. muacks.
ie promise t love you till the end, remember when we're 18 what we promised t have?
Its true. I'm willing to. (:

'If one day i'm without you, ie guess a day will looked like years,
imissyou so much, even though you're with mie 24/7. ie wont forget anything about you forever.
you're always on my mind. Not mentioning about going for other guys. Its IMPOSSIBLE!
ie cant stand not seeing seen you a min. Its terrible, worst feeling ie dont wish t go through!
ie know, you are a lot more happier now with mie. right baby? Shall we stay this way. Ha.
Stay happy together. :DD'

familiar? rofl..

9:24 AM

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh.My.God! whats this man?! so shameshame. LOL. :D
(they jus faking. HA!)

Cautions! this gonna be a long but fun post yea. * t mie la.
& its gonna be a lil different then olden ones. (:
ima going t start now..
day at Singapore Changi Airport ~~

well, we had our lunch at rivervale mall.
funny thing ish, we ordered the same food. (:
first ish baby, then mie followed up by lilbrother. LOL!

BabyBaby.. izzt niceee?

Coming up next, ish picture of Baby. Mr.Lim *Genuis* :P

Well, of course.. Mie. The Mrs.Lim.

Reflections at Changi Airport's Crownie Plaza's
toilet . (IF ima not wrong.)

Us 3. The 'SK2'& Mie.. -.-'

This ish the picture of us. outside the toilet with this thing.
that looks superb weird. & ugly.

look, the weirdo balls behind us.
they are the main characters. not us. HA.

On the way, Busss.. SkyTrain.. Various places of Changi Airport. (L)
We're having MADNESS at the bus yea! so much fun. loving' it.

lilbrother with us. enjoyed? YEAPS.

Lastly, Us 3 again.. muacks.

Hell lots of fun at Singapore Changi Airport today.. laughs* enjoyed it from head t toe. you know what ie mean right? Ha.
first we get ready at 4plus. down t eat lunch. bused t Changi Airport. otw its just quite a long journey so we had maddness in the bus. (: crazy but loving'it. cause of baby yea. we took plently of photos which ish all at above..
reached there. first destinations. terminal3. walked, shopped, played. FUN!! also, we went t the crownie plaza inside it. woah! nicely decorated. there's also pubs, restaurants in it. the toilets are also so well-done. rated 5star eh. then sky train t terminal2. first time taking sky train. hee. walked awhile then skytrain t terminal1. ie keep it short but its just too much of fun& craziness. headed t looked for mummy at her clinic later on, took MC for work. lilbrother took for school's. then home.. ie COOKED dinner for baby they all OK? baby, am ie smart? say yes. (:
thats all for the day. to be continue.. ohh yes, before ie forget again.


Hey, read this. ie did went down that day. just latee. not even shadows did ie see.
come'on la. you think ie still young?
ie wont want t see you either if you dont wish t see mie. -.-'
OH. even if yes so whats your business? so what if no?
seriously wish that your lips wont b accurate on anything then. (:
dont you think you should claim some credits for yourself? instead of speaking& wishing bad things.
ima glad ima nothing t you, cause ie dont wish t be something t you. :D

9:06 AM