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party tonight.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Imaginations! (:

my husband! (:

Jus a short post t complete today, as ie think ie was a FULFIL& WONDERFULL day.
baby& ie enjoyed today alot. :D awesome was the word! get what ie mean hur? hah.
alrights, nanan'bigbird msged mie in the morning, for outings. so ie waked baby up. & off t bath.. thats about 10plus? about 11, ima done& below the block waiting for nannan'bidbird t come fetch mie& off t fetch baby. imsshim la! he got drinks for mie& nannan'bigbird, thanks baby! (: we have no idea where t go for breakfast, suggested changi airport& etc. end up we went punggol, somewhere near baby ex-shcool t eat as baby says the food there nicee. so eated abit, saw any punggol's student -.-' for you infor, nannan'bigbird paid for everything as he jus go his pay. (: then headed t pasir ris farmway2 t looked at the pets there& walked around, then farmwayalso for sam thing as ie loved pets! baby& nannan'bigbird was nagging in the car about how many rabbits ie had, which is 4. :D jus cause ie said the netherland w BLUE eyes were cutee. -.-' ohhboy, pathetic mie. ie guess ie can stop dreaming fo getting another blue eye cuite. ): but no worries. ie gonna sell one of my rabbit off& get a BLUE eye lionhead! hah! have t get baby's permission. but as long as ima happy, baby is okay w it. even though it may cause him alot of troubles cause baby dotes on mie the most! ILOVEHIM! :D
then nannan'bigbird drive us t hougangmall t buy mac (also he pay) we went off t buy while he waited for us in the car, get a coke or him& a meal for us. after that, he drive us t baby house. thanks for the day eh. monday outing again alrights. hee. (: then baby& ie eat, rest& did a awesome thing, only baby& ie know. (: bery shiok! shuang! AWESOME! WONDERFUL eh. shy* LOL ^^ then prepared& bused t work. eneded at 10plus. baby knew ie didnt eat so maked a zinger for mie, THANKS baby! ima sorry t get mad at you. ie didnt did it on purpose :x then baby& ie bused home. poor baby, he had t carry a big bag of heavy papers home. well, that were the papers we get earlier on when we fetch work, its flyers for us t give out, pretty good pay. (: so we decided t earn extre income! :D thats all. lastly.



9:27 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

past photos..

did ie mention baby bought a zippo lighter w MY NAME carved on it? hah!

thats my silly boy! (:

not forgetting his lil girl yea! :D

Baby& ie otw t punggol for breakfast.

inside T1 de arcade de neoprint. (baby& ie only take neoprint ONCE ><)

insidee the toilet of T1. -.-'

while waiting for bus at PasirRis inter. Cam-whoring!

Bus Maddness again? LOL.

Reflections. iloveyou, swtheart!

Hi, ima back for posting. (: nothing much today.
yesterday night was a terrible, horrible& fearful thing ie had t go through. ): skipped it!
dontwish t mention but good thing was, BABY WAS STILL WITH MIE!! muacks.
baby ie had lots t tell you, next post will b for you alright? loveyou hubby ~


okay, waked up late today, about 12plus? first ish 10plus, but sleep back so.. hee ~
then cabbed t look for baby we played, eat& ie play dance revolution at baby house, also many other like casper etc? but cant really rmb all. bad memory ><. then baby bathed& we cabbed back myhouse like wanted t prepare the house for photo-taking, but mummy was home, so... a waste of time& money! whatever.
then mrted t work, but was late& nearly sacked for skipping work so many days. if not for baby, ie wouldnt mind, ie dont really like the china girls there. :x its all for nannan' the bigbird& mostly BABY! or not, forget it! well, so we wrote a so-called contract not t be late or skipped work etc.. then went home, cause they have enough people today. waste of time totally ~ headed to baby house awhile reached about 7? went t buy ice-cream as baby wants, jus a small boy eh. hah! then baby accompany mie t bus stop& ie went home while baby went back home tooie. hugs. Imissbaby! ):

7:11 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009

baby took it at E!Hub movie theater. (:

alrights, ima lazy& missing baby so bloodly much so, ie shall post a lil'words here& there.
as ie personally felt that ie must post. :D baby will want to see it tooie!
BABY! WHERE YOU GO? IMISSYOU SO.. (baby's at home sleeping. :x)

okay, starting of the day, baby came in to myhouse& wake mie up around 7plus.
we lrt-ed to punggol to eat breakfast. then cabbed to pasir ris to collect our new YELLOW-BLUE hamsters, that's superb cutee& unique okay. (: adorable to mate with baby's brother samuallim de hamster! that idiot ass that keeps bothering. -.-'

pictures of hamster, cuteee?

afterwards, we bused to pasir ris E!Hub to catch a movie, 'The Uninvited'. bought the tickets.
but its stil early like 9plus? so we just slacked aroung, chitchat, played with the new hamster, went toilet, cam-whored, buy a new pluzze bok& etc.. til time is ready to go in 11.30.

outside the toilet. :x

reflections. (:


inside the theater only got 5person, baby, mie& other 3 mad girls. (dontknow who).
firstly, let mie tell you why they are mad, they just go shouting& making irritation noise when, before& after the movie. feel like asking them to SHUTUP! baby& ie just stared at them. ohmind* ungrown babies out t play, man. -.-' okay, so fun right? only just few ants inside. scary, curious& thought went wild. hah! we bought potato wedges in to eat along with ice tea..
the movie rate it 5stars in scaring, superb fearful, ima still sgivering when ie came out okay! thats like so not alright. ): luckily baby was with mie to clam mie down. & there he was, hugging mie whle covering his ears, he's not scare just that the sound was loud? :D ima the one whose scared, people. covering myeyes& shivered throughout! faint* MUST watch show, but beware yar!

inside the theater when we're not suppose to. (:

after movie, bused to tampines to get baby a shirt& jeans. all black -.-'
thats what baby are wearing in the nest coming up photos. after buying, cabbed t baby house t rest, changed, try putting the both hamster together. didnt capture that, will do it soon.

we're both black, totally couple enough! :D

the reflections inside baby room, do ie look like..... baby?

then went out around 5plus after a shortnap& bath. intend t walk around, catch a movie..
but in the end, just went fetch shannan from school, bused to hougang t eat dinner, baby went home& so do ie..
simple yrt fulfilling. thanks baby. iloveyou, hubby! muacks.

i'm a cam-whore today. so pictures of mie up next! enjoy :D

9:53 AM