let's pray.. that everything wil b fine. (:

there we go, Mrslim. :S

Dearest& Beloved. (L)

w you, i hope ima not alone. :D

oh, waked up quite late at about 2plus, ring dear up, he then bused t looked for me while i bath. (: then we watched tv, rest awhile& off t rivervale mall for lunch, saw ahji& co. had our lunch together& we go off first. went KFC as dear wanted t eat snackers. then settle down at void deck t eat& bused to hougang, actually had the intention t go give flyers.. but ah, too lte le but shannan'lil brother insist. so jus lied t him, bring him t any 1black& give out. sorry :x walked t hougang plaza after that, went t change dear phone's camera lens as it's spoiled, went over t hougang mall's arcade for a few games, mrted home. dear& i had a tiff but over it. watched tv& i cooked for mydearest& shannan'lil brother t eat, just 2 simple dish t whip as its almost time for dear t go home. (: but dear enjoyed it alot, he finished 2bowls of rice ok! & i also did promised t cok again. as he keep prasing it nice! :D even cut apple for them, seeing dear so full w mydish, ima so satisfied! then dear cabbed home w the flyers as its not safe at myhouse. >< style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">POOH! POOH's sticker, toys(ALOT OF THEM), paintings, mirror, pillow. ima even going t get POOH's bin, floor mat, computer& etc! :p sounds girly? but mydear dont mind, cause he say as long as i like it! hahaha. I HAVE THE BESTEST DEAR OKAY!
'i loved for you& i loved for blissed. ima gonna have your baby w the god's hand holding.'
♥ 10:22 AM
today, life has been great for me! :D
sorry for not posting the days before, in a very upset mood! has a break-up with my dearest one. ): but well, things went fine after that, we promised t change& many more. & i had sort out my thoughts, talked t myshadow. so, ya, things were smoothly. (: for those who seen us still so loving, its because, in our heart we're still the couple! loves*
not gonna elaborate on things, jus want t let myboy know that.
a relationship need love + trust = works! please rmb. i always loved you, always wil b by your side regardless rain or shine. (:
& TURST ME! I'm not what you thought& i only given you~ )':
♥ 8:22 AM
this is the photo taken that day, its w dear. (:
coming up nect, is mygift t deardear. (;

well, this is the photos of the room& receipt, random once. :p
the ladyee& mister of the day eh. :x

.. some reflections to show overall.
.. at dear's roomy.
Hi everyone. had a good day? hah. there so many things for me t post yea(: so slowly luh. tml i then post about the day before. today i shall post about my dear's birthday creation, its full of surprise, smilies& mostly, dear loves it! that particular night when the clock strikes 12, i went t dear's house along w sinyee t past him his gift. he's superb happy w his face red& smiles so widely that makes me superb please& felt that everything is worthwhile! the gift althought wasnt very expensive but was the phone my dear loves very much. & its my first including his t give& receive a gift like that. :D afterthat, i cabbed home along w sinyee, she came tonning at myhouse, we then went t punggol w shannan t eat breakfast as i wanted t buy dear's fravorite breakfast for him! bused t his house after bringing shannan home. reached, dear eat, then we called alex& sinyee t meet ealier as dear wanted t pool, we lied t him that they only are free in the morning, dear was like not very happy as he wanted someone t celebrate for him? idk also leh :x then they pool while ie lan awhile, then went t look for them back, ohya, we pooled& lan at hougang plaza, then we walked t hougang mall, i printed photos& we buy drinks& stuff t eat, mrtes t orchard after that, we lied to baby we had PLAN A, PLAN B& etc t scared him, he was scared ok, worried that we might planned something t dirty him as he was saying, 'i where till so nice, haven walk you all want dirty me. ><' HAH. funny right? then went we reached douby, us so lucky a group of people were singing HAPPYBIRTHDAY's song, that did helped us, as in dear believe's more in us. :D hah! then dear didnt really like the feeling as alex keep rubbing salt in it, he didnt stop scaring him ok, & as all knows, mydear doesnt like the feeling of being scare, so ya, but overall, its still FUN! then we walked t cenilesiure planning t get something t eat first, but dear dont feel like eating& the rest wasnt hungry so skipped* & we went t walked, around 1plus, time is ready as we planned 2-7 de slot so they lied t go off& get ready, left me& dear went t walked around. around 2plus, i bought him n, he starts t feel weird already, as in why i suddenly bringings him t Kbox& straight away enter the room. when the person opens the door, dear was shocked& happy also la, he gave me a kissed. shy* so.. we had coffeE cake, we sing, we played& we enjoyed, we went smoking room r smoke, went toilet, lied& dear keep hugging me* even push me down on the chair? so 'UNSEEN' la. LOLSX~ took photos& dear sing a lil ok, stupid alex keep singing weird songs -.- while sinyee keep running out of tune. :D ohyes, dear& ie sang TWICE this song, we loved it& find that it's like our lovee story also its a COUPLE SONG! baby sang loudly& nice, me tooie. imgaine us looking into each other's eyes& hug while we sing. how romantic. ^^
alrights, here comes the photos at KBOX.
this is the male lead, L.XIAOMAO.

this is the male lead's wifee, Slattery.G

the couple at KBOX.

Above& Below are photos of us singing. :D
coming up, is alexpeh& ngsinyee.

thanks for helping me in this plan.
the drinks& snacks. (:

after KBOX, we mrted back t myhouse. went mall& dear buy mac for me, sleep awhile, watched tv& i cabbed back w dear t his house, waited outside. here comes the touching part, myboy, this silly boy, in order t let me stay in house house for the night went t plead his parents& got scolded hrash& he cried so hard, making me superb heartach& i mean seriously, he lying in my arms maked me feel so hurt, he could just scarifise so much for mei. dear, ILOVEYOU T MAX & so, i stayed overnight at deat's house, had no idea why his parents dont allow people t stayed overnights. -.- still THANKS BABY!
photos of me @ dear's house.. (:
imissmybabysomuchnow. ohbaby, muacks!
♥ 12:26 PM