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rely on me.
party tonight.

first blog2008
second blog 2008-2010

my days, not yours.

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well, dear attend his court. I fall asllep& miss th time, actually dear wished i stayed at home instead. reasons. then after that, he called me right away! Im so happy that he is alright, just that he needs t buckup& he's going t change PO. okaye, i bathed& prepare. meet dear at hougang plaza fr pool. ^^ saw ahji& xiaoderrek. sinyee came afterwards. then we went down th kopitiam t eat, only i eat -.- cuz ima hungry, dear eaten le. ): then walked t opposite inter to wait fr bus80 fr interview. reached interview on dot. & we all so called passed th first interview. quite alot of people luh. (: happy~ while we're walked out, we're thinking about th pay& etc.. so bus back t hougang, went somewhere near green t go back th elderly care where dear do his CSO de, cuz there's one ahma that's v v cutee. dear mention about th court thingy& she prayed fr dear tooie. so dear promised t go look fr her if nothing happens. ^^ chatted a lil, walked t 2mini mart nearby but no hot water t cook noodles, so walked t green, get out noodles, while waiting fr sinyee's superb long waffle, we eat outside a mini mart. dear standing, i sit on th machine car i think. when we about t finish then sinyee coime back w her waffle. -.-" Sorry dear, i didnt know. dun b angry anymore. :x then we walked t a shelter clacked, then bus back t hougang plaza fr pool. saw zimmin& she opened another table t play w sinyee. (: saw familiar faces& police, heard that someone fight there. whatever& she went w zimin t her house while dear& i come back t myhouse. dear cabbed home soon & sinyee came t ton. well, not really ton. aft first she every half house will come out once, cuz ima watching tv, then around 4plus, she jus sleep all th way til 6. dear jui sleep early le. (:

as i didnt sleep so i wake them up. prepared& everything, along w sinyee bused t dear's house area. meet up dear. bused t compass's polyclinic. Okay la, looked rather alot of people but dear's th 3. fr th 'F'clinic. we thought no more but there is. just that they joined together only. after clinic we decide t go Mac fr breakfast but as its a saturday so we went KFC fr breakfast so that idiotic china manager. after eating we bus t work. & okay la, quite alot of poeple, had meetings& we didvided into groups, & a short introduction, we were placed t our places, different everytime though. Hais, dear is tampines while i went clmenti, miss him!! ): & its quite tough la! i didnt sleep a wink so nearly faint! too tired. D: dear wasnt around tooie. around 7, we all bused back, sinyee came back after& dear tooie. he reached so lateee. we all passed 2nd interview& will have 1week probation preiod. based 0n commisson only. (: we can choose whether t take commission or basic. but... thinking over it~ we bused back, i didnt even know when sinyee alight lor. -.-' back t compass, lrted home. dear paxked some rice& curry then went home. missssssshim!

Wakeup around 4plus, eat& prepared. bused t look fr dear w baobei. arrived bus stop saw dear w his bicycle, shock& happy. he cycle me back t hus house. rested, eat a lil& i cooked noodles while dear is mopping th floor, around 7plus, dear cycled me back home. ^^ so long since he cycled me home. :D xinku ni le la! muacks~ then we reached home, changed fr baobei, dear eaten& i haven finish my blogging. okaye, i shall end here. feelind damn unwell!! cough, running nose, a lil feverish. whatever~ bye.

sorry fr th short post. ima energyless. ):

4:32 AM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back t post. today was so enjoyable. th only bad thin is i fall asleep around7, because dear luh! fall asleep, that was still okaye. th worst thing is his phone is off. whatthheck! cant stand cant stand! nevermind. so, wakeup around 1plus by dear. ^^ ohhyes, i had a dream, weird dream, th dream is about me& dear at myroom oicking clothes then forget-what-happen dear asked me t go out close th door or not neighbours complain, i wake up after that, but.. when i went out th door is really open. o.o anyone has idea of what this means? forget it. so.. bathed, prepared, bused t meet dear at hougang plaza. walked t mall t have our lunch at KFC, walked around. dear bought his perfume. ima going t get mine next month! i duncare. :p well, then we headed t hougang laza again t play pool. okay la, no bad. but hard t play. never win dear at all. after that, went t mall cause i need toilet. :/ then mrt t AMKhub, watched 'Paranormal Activity'. rate it 2.5/5stars. not that horror, not that good. its somehow just like a daily show rather then a movie. -.-' getting me blur cause its like using a portable camera t film th whole thing. whatthhellx~ dear dun understand at first but later he does, & hahs! ima luckily, cause i avoid th most horror part which is th last part. winks* or not ima going t have nightmare~ (: then we do th art thingy again, this time 'B' fr baobei; our precious lil girl! hahs. :D went mos t get th drum. then mrted back, went t temple t light-up th what light fr brightening th way or something? & simple praying. i do this everytime before dear's court/ anytime. its somewhere near rivervalemall, although i might sound like oldy but it works! trust me! it really does. ^^ does lrted home. (: dear ate th drum w me, relaxed, feed baobei& dear cabbed home.
(photos will be up later. ^^)

dear, you're going t be okay. you promised right?
i'm going t attend your court w you, your family& mybro.
its just a review. ima sure you're going t passed through. IMA HERE W YOU! (:

7:49 AM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This's a picture of me& dear on msn.
ignore th conversation, we talked craps always. ^^

Ziliannnns of me luh. (: w baobei.

well, today was as per normal. DEAR OFFICIALLY FINISHED HIS 100HOURS CSO! winkwink* yea! or not he doesnt have enough time fr me at all. & jobs are also neglected because of this luh. sad, we only lived on allowance, how pathetic man. ): but now we can look fr jobs& i think we're taking 2jobs. ^^ one freelance, one full-time (roadshow.) tml going interview fr th roadshow one. most proberly on one la. hees. ^^
back t today, i fall asleep in th morning around7. at first intending t wake dear up fr breakfast but seeing him so tired, i get myself t sleep& wake up arouns 3plus, bathed& changed, while ima making up myface, someone press th doorbell, i wander who luh, becuase dear is on phone w me& he says ima damn slow. so.. t my surprise, its my precious boy la! winks* naughty fellow. then i continue& as usual, he disturb our lil baobei. after i done mything, he fall asleep, like whatth~ so nevermind, as he's tired. i wake him up every half hour, everytime he's reaction& expression is so cuteeee! words tooie. HAHS! laugh my ass out. adorable boy i have. then around 7plus when ima in th toilet, mummy wake him up fr me. Laughs* helped mummy take out th dishes& we have our dinner together. after dinner we bused t hougang plaza fr pool.

there's this 136driver that dear wanted t complain, me tooie! he's a fucking irritating bus driver, we chase th bus then he jus drive off like that despite seeing us. wtf! treat us like fool? not a chance man, lets see who's going t receive compains! just you wait!!

the pooled awhile, went kangkar mall t buy dessert, went hougangmall t get soya blended. walked back t th bus stop after plaza fr 136, th usual. on th way, saw sinyee& zimin. also saw a bunch of dunno who luh, dear though is his brother's friend but not leh.. whatever~! then dear peiied me wait fr bus. home afterwards. have a arguement afterwards but turns out fiine. cuz dear pamper me like baby. ^^ loveeloveeyou! tml going t enjoyed w dear. wandering what will happen tml? where t go? ahh~ ima so excited. mayb tonning tonight again. see you. (:

dear, you're going t b fine. ima sure. ^^

9:36 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hi all, ima back t post. ^^
today we did kinda alot& i can finally say today is FINALLY A FRUITFUL DAY SPENT! WELL SPEND! *winkswinks* because, dear& i ton. (: REAL tonning despite times we nearly go dead but we manage t bear through. so dear bused here t looked fr me, bathed, prepared& went off t bus stop t meet up dear. sorry luh, cause you t alight. then ordered th usuals. prata, carrotcake, bandung, chueequay? i not sure. whatever. -.- after that, went econ& yeaps, dear brought me wet tissue. th best i could need now. thats what mybag miss out hur. (: Thankyou! hugs* then we bused back home, dear& i relaxed have fun& he went t do CSO. but, he ran off w driver t fetch th elderlys, naughtyboy! OHHHHHHHya, before i forget.

ima so going t complain about this B!TCHY MAID here. yes, its a MAID! she keeps fooling around w myboy luh, thinking she is capable of flirting. GODDNESS! she didnt look at herself clear enough (ROFL).
you're just a MAID!! trying t fool around w myboy? think again okay. STOP going 'woah, he is handsome! hey, whats you name. you've nice hair& etcetc.' you think he gave a damn? NO!
just cant stand it luh, why cant people look at themself clearly t know where they stand? tsktsk!

back t topic.. so i bathed again, prepared, makeup& bused t dear's CSO area. (: look him up, walked t hougang mall, had Macspicy fr lunch, damn full, bought bra straps. walked a lil& off t hougang plaza t pooled. kinda enjoyed luh, just felt so damn sleepy. wa;led t inter, dear bought me ice-cream. its blurberry some more. YUMS~! then buesd t AMKhub. bough couple seat's ticket. went in less than 5mins, movie starts. watched 'POKER KING'. rate it 5/5stars. Can watch! its nicee. fr me luh. but idk fr others. then toilet cam whore, do th art thingy. That time do 'S', this time we do 'M'. ^^ on our way out saw paul. you know that one from clinknetwork something one? Th paul& kaykay videos or something? Ya, that one, w his girlfriend. than we walked t inter bused t temple, prayed& going back on thursday tooie. walked t mall, intend t colect something fr mummy but turn out cant so went cheers& bought naughyG. th new drink, we bought original& cola flavour. cola not opened yet. but original not bad luh. (: BUT its like normal drink only lor. nothing special in it. so if you intend t get cause thinking there's something special inside. you're like so wrong. its just plain normal. at first you might feel weird things or feeling but after mins, you'll feel jus normal. ^^ relaxed, played, tiff, played& have dinner mummy cooked. around 9plus, dear cabbed home. tml dear have CSO t do, i have t wait fr th man t come repair something. lame shit luh~ okaye. shall end here. not feeling energtic at all, damn tired or can i say sleepy! so ima off t bed.

dear, iloveyou& its like never before. winks*

8:40 AM

Friday, November 6, 2009

Let me start w a pictures of our baby. Baobei. ^^

I'm th usual. (: Cam-whoring.

This is th lil boy i mention before who is cutee. (:

He dunwans t take picture, dunno why. :x

me w him. winks*

okaye, a short post fr today. i stay overnight at dear's house ytd, bathed baobei tooie. nicee& confortable sleeping at his house, in his arms. ^^ i loved it.
waked up around 4plus, bathed, prepared, had dinner thats his mum cooked.
cabb back t myhouse along w baobei. had a tiff! i hatee it. dear's fault! ):
then watched tv. i headed t pack my room a lil. well, as usual. we chitchat, played& all th funs& sweetness couple could have. (: iloveyou, dear! & we enjoyed every seconds of it. around 9plus, dear cabb home.

8:01 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

found this on net.. look like mydear rights?
th CatBus of Totoro~
i miss mydear!! this picture taken long ago.. w th necklace dear gave me.^^
i loved wearing stuff dear gave me! especially necklace..
so dear, get my hint? hees. okaye luh, going t watch myshow now.
6am, ima going t wake dear up& off t eat breakfast. (:

1:12 PM

Monday, November 2, 2009

午后的风摇晃枝桠 抖落了盛夏
我对着蝉认真说话 在对你牵挂
玩风琴就是爱瞎闹 堆积着无暇
我跟着站在壁沙岸 让你放不下

这风景如画 院子里画沙
等最美的晚霞 等故事长大

才说过的永远 我们一定不会擦
因为大声说爱你 而沙哑

也答应说好的未来 全部会重画
挑上脸 挑上花 有你的记忆干燥成瓶中沙
傻傻的 还想着你滴滴答答
擦美丽的指甲 喝你泡的茶

爱过你的风沙 我也一样值得你爱
管他风怎么刮 管雨就怎么下
回头过去原来 别说傻
回头不说一次 值得吧
我爱上这泪光 问你会不会爱我

这种景如画 院子里画沙
等我们的童话 等誓言落下

才说过的永远 我们一定不会擦
因为大声说爱你 而沙哑

也答应说好的未来 全部会重画
才说过的永远 我们一定不会擦
因为大声说爱你 而沙哑

也答应说好的未来 全部会重画


12:05 PM