PRE-ORDER3 is opened!
GEOlens fr ONLY $15!!
Water Content: 35% - 42%
Diameter: 14.0mm
Curve of lens: 8.4mm - 8.6mm
Certification: FDA, ISO, CE, KGMP, MHLW*
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Angel series
Piercing and T-eyes series
Nudy quarter series
Degree not available for CH-932
Magic circle series

♥ 8:50 AM
Its 4.53AM in th morning& ima not yet sleep. insomnia. ):
Is it because of th tiff w dear? no idea. I'm thinking couple or things& are feeling tired yet, eyes wont listen t me, nether brain nor body. How? Feel like having dear by my side now. DAMN IT! Fuck probation okay! I've quit scolding any vulgarities ever since i left NCHS but i have totally no idea whats wrong w me. Frustrated!
Watching ' 斗牛要不要 '. Missing dear. :/
ending here luh. nothing t write.
Labels: Dun spell love easily, its more than you think.
♥ 12:50 PM
Hi all, long time since i last posted? Indeed luh.
Well, have totally no idea what t post now, but it feels rather good t be typing in normal keyboards. Dear, you know what i mean right? ^v^
Okay, let me start w today alright? Here it goes..
Today wake up around noon, dillydally t get myself up, wake dear up. bathed, prepared, bring sasha& tales down fr walks. OHYES! anyone keen to have a dog? Mail me or leave a tag alright? (: then cab t hougang mall w mummy& shannan. Dear& shannan went t lent disc return disc, after that down t bugis. Had brunch at bugis junction, not bad, i loved th triangle dunno what most. HAHS! then t bugis street, Nothing much at first, mummy did eyelash extention which is nice. ^^ I intend t extend hair tooie but all suggest its better t do it after reborning. So i bought fake lashes instead, a dress, bra strips. While shannan get a pair of shoes, Mummy get pajamers& bra strips tooie. (: Dear? Next round going again. & im going t get another dress. (:
Uncle arrived& fetch us t east coast's food court fr dinner, superb yummy t max, all of us had our fill. NICE! going t bring baobei there th next round& going t eat there again. Fetched dear home& we went home.
Tml, going t reborn w dear& mummy, maybe pedicure& shoes. Shall see.
Im kinda worn out right now, gotta go bath& off t bed, tml going to wake up early. TOODLES.
Dearv had a bad fall& cause injuries all over his hands, legs& body. LUCKY nothing happen t his face. :P He's hurting even though today's th 2nd day. ): Hope he gets well soon yea?
♥ 8:04 AM
Time check, its 6.32 now. Eyes damn painful& hurting. i dontknow why tooie. ):
Im kinda lazy to post, but dear post so long, so how? hmmms~ if you wanna know myday, check out my dear's blog. ^^ I only know, i want t watch Alvin& The Chipmunks2 again.
Im feeling kinda hungry, but dontknow if i should wake dear up or not. irritating mindset.
HAHS! my new year resolution's not out yet right? ^^ I've not had the mood. :/ BUT ima going to post dear& mine relationship's past. Happy waiting fr awhile more alright?
♥ 2:32 PM