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rely on me.
party tonight.

first blog2008
second blog 2008-2010

my days, not yours.

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello! Surprise t see me blogging here? LOLS!
Have been devoted in my job recently, no time for blogging& are somehow sicked of it. :P
Although traveling time increase, some times even have to cabbed down, but its fine. Im learning alot& enjoying it TTM! :D Hmms, really have no idea what t blog.
Everyday, wakeup, work from 10-10. Bused to hougang meet dear& sinyee/ Home. Feed my baobei/ played w her. Sleep. Same old rotinue. But are never sick of it! Have a good lead& supervisor so yeah, things are not bad. But, dear& i? Of cuz, every relationship have its problems but we're still holding on, right?
1year 10months just past. Just like a blinked of eye. ^^ We're happy& enjoying together. & Sometimes, i really dunno what should i do if one day ima without him. :/ TOO DEPENDENT? No choice~ Its meant t be from the start.

Okay, here a list of items im getting..

  • Jeans
  • Shoes
  • New phone E72 while dear getting Blackberry. Idiot him!
  • Baobei's stuff.
  • Swimming suit, i seriously need t slim down on my tummy. DEAR TOOIE!
Well, i guess thats for th time being, not spending too much. No Money!

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9:23 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Long time since i last blogged. :/ Had no idea what to blog about.
I officially resign after 1month plus staying at Gift a name, This job aint good at all!
Sucks, Stingy, Attitude problems, Bully new comers& MOST IMPORTANTLY, alot of them are lazy& know nothing but bully! Goddness, i can tolerate so long its their gain okay? But not t deny, i learn alot. (: So, im out t look for job once again. ^^ Ohwell, hopefully t get a pets shop job. ): Once again, bye t kovan. Hello t else where.
Since tml will be my last day, they said need 1day notice or not deduct pay, but i think, ohwell, deduct all you liked, Im not going! Im accompanying dear t MCYS instead& meet up sinyee for shoppings& enjoying. (: GOODLUCK JENNY& ROSEMARRY! :D
Okay, time check 3.08AM! Ohgosh~ im going t bath& head t bed. Have t wake up as early as 8 in th morning t get prepared, i had no idea why or how, i always need an hour to prepare. UNLESSS! i didnt sleep or im superb rush. ^^ My precious went for grooming today, looked so adorable. dear went t fetch her& came t my shop. Lovee it! Dear accompany me whole day at shop today. ^^ He wanted t drag me off but responsibility! i had t stay. But w baobei& dear in shop, time files~ Also, dear bought me a mickey box t store my bangles i bought. Also a CHIP for nannan as a thanks t all his good-treating t us. (: Dear also superb good, i told him i wanted t drink hot tea as my stomach is giving me problems, he went t buy for me. Not once but twice. 2nd time nannan treat! *,* Also i said wanted t eat this& that, he didnt reject! Good boyfriend i had, i know. thats why im loving him! right baby?
Okay, i really got t go& head t bath. Toodles, shall blogged again.

11:52 AM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hi people, ima here to blog once again.
Written down almost all my 'wishes, t-get' ALMOST 2PAGES FULL!! Ohmygod~
HAHS, anyway, i've started working almost a month. Pay coming in 2days times, cant wait for it, i've even planned how to spend it! -.-' Th next one tooie, ima so determine t complete my wish list!
But not really for this job. I dun really like it or even put my heart in it. ): Like pets better!
Okay, promises dear to post so shall do a proper one. Days recently is working& home, working home. Bored!
But i enjoyed this friday ttm!!
Went over t dear's house t look for him, bused t bedok t have lunch, CURRY!! (: Then bused t Harpaw villa. FIRST TIME THERE! so abit like those who came down from th mountain. LOL. Very excited all th way, superb fun. Thanks plenty t my dear for this surprise, on th way there, he didnt want t tell me where are we going, so when reached then i realise. When th th 18th story t hell or something, eeeerie& dark, but vey curious, its shows things about hell. There's alot th monkey king, fairys& many more. Even tombstone? -.-''
Then bused to chinatown, ate Mac for dinner, walked around. Till around 8plus, bused home. Dear, we enjoyed on th bus right? ROFL~ dun shy..
Then alight a compass, walked home slowly, w hands holding. soooo sweeeeet luh. :D
Home& dear cabbed home around 10plus.

As for tml, we're going to FARMWAY W BAOBEI!! winks*
Shall blog again tml, pictures up tml tooie, SO STAY TUNED!


9:14 AM

Friday, March 19, 2010

Back t blog, YEA! tml off day. Shiokness ttm. But dear working. lucky is morning shift! So coincidence, everytime i off& dear cant off, he will morning shift. Good right? Fated luh.
Jiayou dear! today didn't hit target, no commission. >:( was late for work tooie, dear was late tooie, he even accompany me for lunch, then went work. had dinner together, i finish closing first so went t looked for him, he's done& we mrted home. he send me home before going t take bus, nice right? Hees :D But was so relaxing at work today, dear was so busy, poor thing. Ytd night was so sad, dear's fault!!!

RIGHT NOW, my dear is using a v gay voice t talk t me on phone, using my name!! ASSSSSHOLE.

But very cute la, tml after his work we're going out, w baobei! HAHS!
Sweeping& mopping my room now. Tired, washed baobei's stuff tooie, that lil piggy. Dear is so sticky at night, we had fun at lrt, laugh like crazy. LOLS! i really wished he could changed for th better& remain like that! )x He says he loved me alot eh. Touched* Pay coming in on th 1st April, ima off! But pay aint going to be much. Have to save $400 for dear's birthday present. But never mind, target is to clear all owned money (parent's one), buy all th things we wanted (written down already). Thats all, didn't expect much. Dear tooie. He also saving to buy my present. HAHS!

Dear wanted me t type this ' Wushining 是 猪八戒!'
SEEE, this is how he always bully me, not good right?
& he keep repeating. -..-'

10:21 AM

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haven't been posting for a long period of time. Didn't know what to post.
My everyday's routine is

Wakeup -> Work -> Dinner w dear -> End work -> Bused home -> Relaxed Awhile -> Sleep.

Gonna be bored t death! & tired t death. ASSSSSHOLE~
Working isnt bad, but dear has been tired working, no much time for each other although we worked near& i can keep running out :P. End work was too tired thus didn't do much things too. Eat a lil things, talked on phone w dear. Has been rather peaceful, cant say sweeet or not, b'cuz arguing& quarrel have tooie. Few days back, that day was terrible, came to think, who could i looked for? No one, i dont need anyone. If no one is real or even looked for me, why should i bother? I just need my dear. So dear ahz, be proud man!
Working was fine, stupid wangxiao keen thinking she is better& more experience thus keep bullying me! DONT MAKE ME FLARE UP OKAY?! i wont leave face for you, shout at me infront of customer once more! try it! Auntie jenny is better. she taught me alot of things, even things i do not know. ^^ Learn couple of new stuff, this job wasn't bad, but i guess i wont last really long, pay too low. Everyday sell bear's, make personalized names. Kind of bored, while dear is doing cashier at his side, busy all th time, there's a teenage girl, that dunno who don't know for what reasons keep looking at me. >:( Crazy bitch.
Enough of work, family has been pretty great! (: Life's too, waiting for pay day.
Birthday coming in 2months, dear's in 3. Let's see who rmb! ~.~
Today time files, dear accompany me from 4 till 10. Working around, staying in my store w me. HAHS! lovee it. Brother came too. enjoyed luh! Although after brother came they keep running out, but L.xiaomao, you better be good okay?! Smack you. Hit target. Commission!! :D
Dear bought necklace for me. ^^ Couple necklace now. Wearing each other's horoscope. All from my store. Not meant t be couple anyway.
Well, thanks dear! for today, love you ttm!! :DDD
Tml dear&b i working, can bused w dear already, i hope.
Okay, time check, 12:11AM. time for bed, goodnight all.
Will try to blog soon again.
Nuffnangs please. Thanks all!

8:49 AM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1:02 AM

Sunday, February 21, 2010


How fast can time goes, in a blink of eye, here we comes t 2010, our 2nd year this july. & your probation is counting down t 9months left. Time files, its true. So everyone cherish time! Time wont turn back, people moved on& changed. This goes for everyone! No matter you wished or not, time forces you t. Just like me& myboy. We still wishes t slacked& enjoyed like usual but we're of legal age now& if we dont work hard we will suffer in th end. So. its times we find jobs now. Soon, perhaps.
This 19months, we gone through at least 2breakups. The first one really makes me want give up already. serious. but he manage t get me back& we moved on. once again, ima into this relationship. Then th second one which last about a day only. still, it doesnt affect us. I've gone mature, dear tooie. So i believe we will moved towards our future sweetly, nicely. with plans& my plan is t get iphone for dear's birthday, lappy for our 2nd year& baobei a boyfriend on her 2nd birthday. ^^ What is dears? idk. Depends on him. HAHS! :D no request!
Iloveyou and its true. no jokes! I know you loved me tooie. I wont be so immature anymore. I promise. Breakfast tml alrights? Punggol! :DD see you.
Alrights, i shall spare your ears for now& b back when i have th mood like now. Toodles.

9:30 AM